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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD

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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD

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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD

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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD
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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD


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Neil Sedaka如何以幽默又迷人的個性,吸引樂迷迷陷入他精湛的表演中

尼爾.西達卡 - 好戲上場 DVD
Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD
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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD
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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD

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尼爾.西達卡 - 好戲上場 DVD
Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD


The London's famed Royal Albert Hall plays host to a concert of Neil Sedaka, one of the beloved musical figures of his generation. This amazing concert DVD shows Neil Sadaka entrancing his audience with characteristic humour & charm while turning in great performances of his best live hits, introducing new songs & showcasing his talents as a classical pianist.

由英國著名的皇家艾伯特音樂廳為Neil Sedaka所主辦的音樂會,可說是同年代最受樂迷讚賞的音樂會之一。本張DVD完整的告訴了樂迷們Neil Sedaka如何以幽默又迷人的個性,吸引樂迷迷陷入他精湛的表演中。演出曲目包括暢銷歌曲、新歌甚至也現場表演了古典鋼琴曲目,再再證明Neil的才華。


1. The Other Side Of Me

2. Standing On The Inside

3. The Miracle Song

4. The Queen Of 1964

5. Our Last Song Together

6. Inseparable


7. Oh Carol

8. Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixteen

9. Where The Boys Are

10. Calendar Girl

11. You

12. Cardboard California

13. Laughter In The Rain

14. Should Have Never Let Go duet with Dara Sedaka

15. Is This The Way To Amarillo with Tony Christie

16. Solitaire


17. Never Again

18. Betty Grable

19. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

20 Stairway To Heaven

21. One Way Ticket To The Blue

22 I Go Ape

23 The Hungry Years

24 Fantasy Impromptu


25 Superbird

26 The Immigrant

27 Love Will Keep Us Together

28 That's When The Music Takes Me

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尼爾.西達卡 - 好戲上場 DVD
Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD
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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD
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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD
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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD
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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD
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Neil Sedaka - The Show Goes On, Live at the Royal Albert Hall DVD
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